Gateway Arts is currently hosting an exciting group exhibition curated by Beth Kantrowitz (of bkprojects and Drive-By Projects), which presents work by Gateway artists in tandem with artists from the greater contemporary art community. Participating artists include Roger Swike, Michelle Grabner, Yasmin Arshad, Emily Hass, John Colby, and Lauren Cross (among many others).
Happy Meeting
March 9 - April 18, 2015
Betty Antoine | Yasmin Arshad | Amy Caliri | Hugh Cameron | John Colby | Candice Smith Corby | Maria Covino | Lauren Cross | David Curcio | Rebecca Doughty | Donna Esolen | Chris Faust | Tina Feingold | Maria Field | Michelle Grabner | John Guthrie | Emily Hass | Joe Howe | Donna Johnson | Sharon Kaitz | Celine McDonald | Sue McNally | Carmen Martinez | Jane Maxwell |Jennifer Liston Munson | Caleb Neelon | Kathleen O’Hara | Roberta Paul | Sanders Paul | Sidney Perry | Emmanuel Preston | Isabel Riley | Adrienne Shishko | Roger Swike |
Artist Reception Thursday April 2, 6-8pm
Gateway Gallery
62 Harvard Street
Brookline, MA 02445
Gallery Hours: M-F 9 am – 4:30 pm; Sat Noon – 5 pm
drawing by Roger Swike, ink on paper, 12" x 9"